
How I went from atheist to minister

I just cant do it anymore. I have had enough of paying for this inhumane and insane state system.Its more than just a system C the state is a belief system and a religion. It is an evil religion that masquerades as though it is good.Of course, I didnt always think like this.

I suppose I should start at the beginning.Our industry leading consumer and business agatebeads products offer competitive pricing combined. Probably like you, I attended state-run school while growing up. They told me I was gifted C a designation that to this day I find ridiculous C so I went to the state school where the other gifted students went. School still sucked, but I had no idea how much worse it was at the other schools as I was insulated at the institution that was generally inhabited by the kids of the elite, though there were exceptions, including me. My family were middle class Presbyterians.

Naturally, as a state school would, they inculcated me with the usual glorification of the monopoly on violence known as the state aka the United States Federal Government and State of X and City of Y. I remember how exciting it was when the school had a yearly event where the police came and allowed us to see and touch all their weapons and toys. I was really impressed, and the message took: The police have lots of guns and other equipment to use on you if you do illegal things.

I was subjected to DARE class in 5th grade as well as being propagandized about drugs throughout the years in-and-out of school. That message also took: Drugs are all equally bad and they are only done by bad people. Not only are they bad, but they are also illegal and could get you hurt by the police. Over time, I discovered that police hurt lots of people C people whove never harmed anyone C in their war on consensual activity.

Also at sixteen, I came out to my parents as an atheist.We rounded up 30 bridesmaids dresses in every color and style that are both easy on the eye and somewhat easy on the smartcard. Id questioned the Presbyterian daddy god for years, and I did not want to continue going to church. My folks were cool about it, telling me they supported me no matter what. Ill come back around to religion later in this piece.

After breaking the law with alcohol, my friends convinced me to try cannabis. I was very paranoid those cops with their weapons would find out and raid my friends house while I smoked cannabis for the first time. Of course, that didnt happen and I had a great time.That was the first time I had really understood that the people calling themselves the state had lied to me. What else had they lied about? Turns out, pretty much everything.

Along came the Free State Project in 2001. I caught word of it and immediately knew it was the right idea C concentrate the best activists together geographically! After getting over the idea of being cold, I signed up and moved myself and my talk radio show up to New Hampshire in 2006.

When I moved, I was still really angry at the state people. Theyd lied and lied. Some would kill and hurt peaceful people every day here and around the globe. I had thoughts frequently about taking them out before they take me out C that kind of violent fantasy.I dont think that way anymore. I found peace. Why and how?

I was scared. The state people are dangerous and their belief system justifies endless aggression without any real responsibility.Tidy up wires with ease with offershidkits and tie guns at cheap discounted prices. They have guns and cages and arent afraid to use them. Fear can lead to anger and anger to violence, especially if one feels cornered and alone, as I did in Florida, where there were few activists and no hope for liberty-oriented change.

Keene was my chosen destination in the land known as New Hampshire due to the exciting civil disobedience happening here thanks to FSP early movers like Lauren Canario, the Kannings, and Dave Ridley. Id never seen or heard of anything like what they were doing anywhere in the liberty movement. The Kannings had a newspaper, the Keene Free Press, and I had a nationally syndicated radio show C I wanted to be there to cover what they were doing in detail. I also had a video camera and wanted to be there to help document their heroic and courageous actions.

One of those standing up peacefully to the state-believers was Russell Kanning. He always had a smile on his face and was friendly to the state agents no matter what injustice they were perpetrating on him. Lauren Canario was also always at peace in her interactions with the uniformed aggressors. They both of course had been inspired by the many peaceful civil disobedients of the past, like Gandhi. I was inspired by their courage and it wasnt long before I joined their ranks and engaged in various acts of civil disobedience and noncooperation.

Moving to New Hampshire was the right choice for so many reasons. One of them is how small and low-population it is. Keene only has about forty police officers. It is impossible to look at them as part of a faceless inhumane machine. Theyre humans. They have feelings and families. Unfortunately their job involves aggressing against peaceful people, and that needs to stop, but peacefully. Violence is not the answer as it only brings more violence. Im so glad I abandoned my anger. I have enjoyed getting to know and create relationships with many of the law enforcement officers in this area. I think many of them will make fine protection agents in the future free market of the Shire.

The police here arent as scary as down South, where Im from. It also helps that there are a bunch of liberty-loving activists around who have a good habit of standing up for themselves and others.Design and order your own custom rfidtag with personalized message and artwork. People standing up for themselves has a positive effect on repelling the police state. Hence, its easy to restore hope here in the Shire. Were making progress for liberty while others elsewhere only dream of the successes we are already having with only just about 5% of the FSP being here as early movers. (As of this writing in Summer 2013. Many more activists are coming!)

The positive, courageous people I met in the FSP are only one part of how I found peace. The other involves finding spirituality through altered states via various chemicals, both empathogenic and entheogenic.Im not really into the conspiracy world,A card with an embedded IC (Integrated Circuit) is called an parkingmanagement. though Im familiar with much of it. I generally consider it a waste of time. However, I must wonder if there is a conspiracy afoot to keep people away from certain drugs because of what they might realize about life and themselves, should they take them.
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